Zinc Paint, Rich Electrostatic Furnace
Iron products paint (Handler balconies - gates - tanks - pergolas - ....) with a primary paint layer as a liner before the final paint for more protection from the very humid weather elements. Then the final paint layer of the electrostatic powder against outdoor weather.
Electrostatic powder coating, anti-bacterial, used in painting hospital beds, etc. ...
Electrostatic powder paint that is resistant to sunlight and acid, and is used in the coating of alumetal sticks and products exposed to sunlight, as their color does not change with time.
The paint work is done using electrostatic powder according to the colors of RAL, which are manufactured in companies that all have QUALICOAT.
Artifacts are then entered into an oven to complete the ripening of the used powders.
To ensure perfect maturity, the temperature distribution inside the oven is measured periodically using the OVEN CURVE THERMOGRAPH and its compatibility with the DATA SHEETS of the powders.
Artifacts are inspected after each stage of treatment and spraying by a group of skilled and experienced technicians.
The thickness of the paint layer is measured over the artifacts after leaving the oven to ensure that it has obtained the required thickness (60-90) microns according to the specifications of QUALICOAT
The XYLENE TEST ripening test is performed periodically on the surface of the workpieces after they leave the oven to ensure complete ripening of the powders over the works in the oven.
All of this is in contrast to the VISUAL CHECK procedure of workpieces after they leave the oven to ensure they are defective.
Defective articles, if any, shall be separated and removed STRIPPING, using the appropriate chemicals for each material, and reprocessed and sprayed again.
After the inspection of the work done, it is well wrapped using the STRETCH FILM to ensure it is not affected during the transportation and loading.
Electrostatic powder coating oven
All types of minerals (iron - aluminum - copper - lead - ... etc), as well as all shapes produced from sheet or metal objects, whatever the thickness of the hull and the size of the workpiece.
All available colors according to the international ral of the largest international companies producing powder paint of the finest brands.
Paint a layer of zinc-rich (if necessary) before final paint to withstand extreme weather and extreme humidity.
Line for alumetal sticks and chemotherapy required for them before painting.
What is the burning powder coating in electrostatic furnaces?
فوائد الطلاء المسحوق الكتروستاتيك:
الإزالة الكاملة للمذيبات ونفايات المواد الاستهلاكية وبالتالي حماية البيئة من الملوثات.
قوة عالية ، وقوة التحمل والعمر الطويل ، وقوة التحمل وعدم التغيير في الظروف الجوية.
تغطية عالية وسماكة موحد في جميع المناطق بالإضافة إلى نفاذية النقاط التي يتعذر الوصول إليها والزوايا والحواف.
بعد طلاء السطح ، يمكن تطبيقه على الأنشطة الميكانيكية المختلفة.
الطلاء بالمسحوق الكتروستاتيك لا يضر بصحة أولئك الذين يتلامسون مع المسحوق.
Electrostatic powder coating:
The color of the powder consists of fine, dry particles of resin plus the pigment you choice.
The resin powder is applied through the spray gun like a liquid paint spray gun, except that the spray gun and the resin particles have an electrostatic charge.
When the resin particles are sprayed on the surface to be painted, the particles are stick to its surface because the surface to be painted is connected to the ground and absorbs the particles like a magnet.
The particles sticks to the metal surface are roasted in special industrial furnaces up to 200 ° C. The fused resin is fused on a metal surface and creates a thick and durable surface.
The result is a beautiful glossy surface work with excellent resistance to chemicals, scratches and straw, and three times more resistant to solvent-based paints.
The maturation time and temperature of the powder coating also varies and must be according to the manufacturer's instructions, usually 10-18 minutes, 185-230 ° C, and in light colors with high (to prevent yellowing) and low temperatures.
Dark colors require a higher temperature and less time.
Powder coating:
Powder coatings first appeared in the United States in the early 1950s.
Powder coatings first appeared in the United States in the early 1950s, at that time, only the powder coating method was applied with the fluidized bed techniques method (FB), the mixture was first heated to a certain temperature and then immersed in a powder bath, that leading to a thick layer to keep the powder on the surface.
During the same year Shell Company in the UK was invented electrostatic method for powder paints, and since 1962, there has been tremendous growth in the powder coating industry over the past ten years. It was remarkable compared to other emerging industries.
In spite of that it is suitable in the Far East, however these types of coatings were not considered in Europe and the United States due to the high cost of these types of coatings compared to other types.
Electrostatic paints
Coating instructions, anti-rust protection and salt spray test.
In order to increase the adhesion of the paint and provide a good coating on metal surfaces, it is necessary to pass the metal parts after fabrication and before coating the three steps in order to remove grease, rust and phosphate and then paint a primer as the paint primer.
After painting, tests are performed on the piece and if these tests are successful, it will be possible to color the piece. One of the most important of these tests is the salt spray test.
Many metal products must be tested for corrosion resistance due to their application under certain conditions. The salt spray test is a standard test method to assess the corrosion of coated metals.
Powder coating advantages
With the powder, the necessary air is reduced, and the required cost is reduced
Coatings and colors cause corrosion resistance to metal parts such as iron and cedar, and special conditions include a humid environment, in addition to saturated moisture, a solution of water and salt is available.
Establishing these conditions for the sample is similar to the site of use of some products, albeit as the time decreases and the intensity of the substances they affect increases, thus checking the sample for wear resistance.
Much less air escapes into any powder-spraying booth than with solvent-based paints, this is useful if you are looking to economize on consecutive heating and ventilation of work areas.
And since the less warm air must be replaced, in the workshops, little dust may collect, and little remains from the airflow to the workers.
Save up to 95% when using powder
With powder, material loss can be kept, at less than 5%. Any excess spray powder can be reused, and the reused powder can be mixed with the raw powder; To save up to 95% of usage
With the use of powder, the thickness of the layer can be controlled
The thickness of the coating layer can control its consistency than the traditional coating system. There are also some premium powders, which have a thinner layer, offered by FEIHONG Coatings.
Powder offers a wide range of paints and effects:
Whether for decorative or other purposes, powder coating provides a practical solution. There is a wide range of colors, soft-touch textures, metallic finishes, satin-gloss finishes, matte finishes, and more.
Operational properties vary, from anti-corrosion, anti-bacterial, etc.
Powder coating operations require minimal operator training
Powder operators they need; To train much less about systems, which are based on solvents.
The powder is much cleaner.
Using powder is a much cleaner process than using wet paint.
The spray booth can be cleaned quickly and easily with a scraper or a squeegee while the natural air is going out.
Cleaning brushes or air hoses should not be used; to do this.
Any spills of powder can be removed outside the booth, a vacuum cleaner equipped with an air-driven motor, or a dust-tight.
Low cost in factory that uses powder.
A powder plant, either manually or automatically, is much easier to operate and less costly than any other liquid electrical, dual layer system.
The powder is flexible and easy to paint on non-metallic surfaces
Powder coatings are suitable for metallic surfaces. Surfaces such as glass can also be painted, and molds with a certain temperature are required for the powder heating process.
More materials can be used where improvements have been made to the low-temperature cohesion technologies.
Powder coating process
The process of making powder coatings is a relatively simple physical process. Simply, the raw materials are mixed well and grind into a powder.
1 - Epoxy resins, polyester resins, additives, fillers, pigments.
2- Mixing tank, extruder, disc crusher, fine crusher
All ingredients are poured into a mixing tank, mix well, and leave.
Pour the mixed raw materials into the extruder and set the temperature of the extruder to about 100 - 120 ° C to ensure that it can be cured, but can be melted. Start the extruder, disc, and coarse crusher. Real men were sold out in the very direct selling yard
3- Pour the broken granular material into a fine mill and grind it into a powder of about 30-50 microns.
1 - Each step must be thoroughly tested.
2 - All of our formulas are sourced through small sample tests, not tested on large production lines
3- The process of each powder coating will be different and requires an experienced expert to work.